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All information/material on this website, “meerkatmotivator.com”, is published for general information only. The information/material is offered in good faith. Estienne de Beer/Leader2Leaders CC/Wildlife Connect CC (“The Meerkat Motivator”) makes no warranties or representation of any kind, express or implied, regarding the completeness, validity, accuracy, reliability, adequacy or availability of any information/material on this website. You agree and consent to these disclaimers, terms, and conditions using this website.

Any reliance or action you take upon the information/material you find on this website is strictly and solely at your own risk. Under no circumstances will Estienne de Beer/Leader2Leaders CC/Wildlife Connect CC (“The Meerkat Motivator”) have any liability or personal responsibility to you for any losses and/or damages of any kind, actual or consequential, in connection with the use of this website. 

You can visit other websites from this website by following hyperlinks to such external websites. While I/we endeavour to include quality links to credible and constructive websites, I/we have no control over the information/material and quality of these websites. These hyperlinks to other websites do not mean that I/we recommend all the information/material on these sites. These websites may have different terms, conditions, and policies beyond my control. Check these websites’ conditions, terms, and policies before engaging, including uploading or downloading any information/material. These external links are not monitored, investigated, or checked for validity, availability, accuracy, reliability, adequacy, or completeness by me/us.

This website contains or may contain references about my/our services and/or products. These references are their personal experiences and views. Neither I/we nor these individuals/organizations claim that anyone else will have the same opinions or experiences about my/our services and/or products. Some references may have been trimmed to keep it short. 

This website may contain copyrighted information/material not authorized by the copyright owner. I/we attempt in good faith to give credit to copyright owners where required. I/we believe the use of copyrighted information/material on this website constitutes “fair use”. If you own any copyrighted information/material on this website and believe it doesn’t constitute “fair use”, please contact me/us. I/we will make corrections or remove such information/material from this website if necessary. 


The content contained in the embedded videos and podcasts is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute professional advice or guidance that can be provided by your own consultant, strategist, counsellor, or coach.

The video footage is for illustrative and creative purposes only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is coincidental. We do not endorse or promote any specific actions or behaviors depicted in the video. Viewer discretion is advised, and we encourage critical thinking and discernment while consuming the content. 

These videos and podcasts make no representations or warranties, express or implied, about any information, links and/or content’s completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability. Therefore, reliance on such information and content is strictly at your own risk. 

The videos and podcasts adhere to the principles of FAIR USE and respects the copyrights, trademarks, and intellectual property of others. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you believe your resource has been used and want to remove it.

Viewers are responsible for their interpretation and reactions to our videos and podcasts. We do not condone disrespectful, offensive, hateful or political comments and reserve the right to delete them or block commenters. 

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